Contrary to common belief, Covid Virus does not usually transmit through breast milk. In contrast, the baby will receive antibodies against coronavirus through breast milk.
According to Dr.Adhisivam, Head of the Department of Neonatology, JIPMER Hospital Puducherry, even if the mother is tested Covid positive, the newborn baby and mother should not be separated.
AIR correspondent reports that in an advisory Dr. Adhisivam pointed out that after delivery even if the mother is Covid positive, the baby and mother should not be separated. All babies should be exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months irrespective of the covid status. Covid Virus is usually not transmitted through breast milk.
In contrast, the baby will receive antibodies against coronavirus through breast milk. The mother should wear a mask during breastfeeding, should also keep her hands clean by frequently washing with soap and water or using sanitizer.
He further said that lactating mothers should also get vaccinated against Covid. The severity of covid infection among children, when compared to adults, has been less so far and hence there is no need to panic.
But only when the adults in the family practicing wearing masks, hand hygiene, social distancing, and vaccination against Covid, we can prevent the covid infection among children in the family and protect them. But all the children should receive the vaccines mentioned in the national immunization schedule at the specified age.